Top Quick Tips for YOUR
Confident and Healthy Best Life

Here are my best top quick tips for feeling more confident and to begin taking action on reaching your health and fitness goals. These are core steps I have found to be the most beneficial to me in staying focused and in making all kinds of life changes — big or small.

Eat early, eat light
Try eating any size breakfast, a biggish lunch, and a light dinner at least 2 hours before bed. This simple approach to meal balancing helps a lot of people create good eating habits and provides stable energy. Experiment to see what works for you.

Be gentle with yourself
Change can be tough! Give yourself some breathing room and don't put unrealistic expectations on yourself. That only makes the journey harder. No need to run up the hill berating yourself for not going faster when you can take slow steady steps and enjoy the beautiful flowers along the way. You'll get there faster and have more fun by being kind to yourself.

Commit to long-term lifestyle changes
Another powerful top quick tip is to think big picture. The daily efforts are what will make the biggest changes in your life. If you focus on making a shift in the way you live each day, you not only free yourself from the pressure of expecting too much too soon, you let yourself really see that you are making great strides over time.

Get in touch with your motivation and what fuels your dreams. Reinforcing and truly FEELING your belief boosts your self-confidence and gives you the power to make deep changes in your life. Practice believing in your heart that you can do whatever you truly commit to.

Educate yourself
Continue to learn more about what foods work best for you, exercise techniques and options, and how to deal with roadblocks and stay motivated. Don't expect to figure it all out and then have a pre-set formula for the rest of your life. Find ways to enjoy learning and to keep growing.

Detach from circumstance
You are a YOU, a beautiful miraculous unique and loving being. You are not the fat. Your situation is temporary and always changing. Think like a butterfly (their essence is not a caterpillar or a cocoon as those are merely phases along the way). Try to stay in touch with the most loving best you and allow yourself to go through the process of change without the baggage of attaching too much to the external.

Enjoy the journey
This is not a race, it's your life! Make the changes and take pleasure in the process. Keep it fun, smile at setbacks, and applaud ALL of your efforts. The "getting there" phase includes some of the most rewarding experiences you may have in life.

Give yourself the gift of healing breaths frequently. Take a step back from the day-to-day details and sit for a moment with yourself to just BE. A deep, cleansing breath not only provides your body with precious oxygen and stress relief, you slow yourself down to get out of your stressful and negative thoughts. Enjoy being alive, to feeling gratitude for being in this moment.

Give your body and mind time to adjust
One of the best top quick tips for confident living is to constantly remind yourself that change takes time. Expect the new habits to take a while to stick, expect some setbacks and bad days. Let the process happen gradually and know that with continued effort you really will make the changes for life.

Redefine “normal”
The mental shift that accompanies successful lifestyle changes is a critical component. Your life never stands still and what you used to do may not be what you do now. Let go of what you consider normal for you and create new norms for yourself as you create a healthier habits, attitudes, and beliefs.

Commit to yourself
Another excellent top quick tip is that it's OK to be selfish. Yes! Take care of YOU so you can take care of others and yourself. Save your life and get healthy. Keep your vision and the belief in your heart that you deserve to create and live your dreams.

You won't know what works best for you or what you like completely until you try it. Give yourself room to experiment. No generic formula works for everyone. Remember, it's not a "failure" so much as an experiment. Trial and error is the way we humans seem to learn best. Have fun with it!

Have an idea to share? What are YOUR best top quick tips for believing in yourself, reaching your weight loss goals, and making your dreams happen? Let me know! We can all learn from and encourage each other as we walk our paths.

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