May 2010
Hello Beautiful Woman! (Yep, that's YOU.)
Ahhh life with all of its flux and shifts, ebbs and flows. Most change comes down to a decision, really, doesn't it? Once we decide to do it, everything else falls into place. Our focus shifts, our actions streamline, and our hearts and minds become one. It's all that back-and-forth wishy-washy excuses and fluttering and nattering about that happens BEFORE the decision is made that causes us so much grief and loss of energy. Can we skip that step entirely? Probably not. But it sure helps to trim the fat and move through the decision making phase as quickly as possible, make the commitment, and get to the good stuff. A new season is upon us, and with it comes the urge to break free from old patterns and to leap forward with our best visions for ourselves. Let's use that energy to help us make a decision, to commit, and to take action. I'm right there with you feeling the urge to "step it up" and boldly invest in myself and my dreams. Life is cheering us on. Go us!
NEW Motivation Workshop! News
Are Tangerines Really Oranges That Didn't Want It Enough? Who are you meant to be? Imagine how sexy, fit, beautiful, and happy you would feel if you took action to make your dreams come true. Join us for a powerful and hands-on Confident Vision Living motivation workshop! Saturday, June 26 9:30 am - 12 pm Charming downtown Novato, CaliforniaThis fun and customized workshop will help you understand how to light your fire, gain clarity, and give you a huge jumpstart to get (and stay) motivated to make the changes that build the body and life of your dreams. Why would you wait to make your dreams come true? Get the Workshop Details Only 15 spaces! Book now to reserve your spot.
Do You Truly Believe? Stop Thinking and Start Doing Confident Living Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. ~ GoetheBelieving you can do it is extremely helpful for your long-term success in reaching your goals and creating a healthier way of living for yourself. The more action you take toward your goal, the more you will believe you can do it. Action breeds confidence. (Self-doubt loves paralysis and sitting around and thinking about it. The more we think about it, the more reasons we find NOT to do it.) When you’re just starting out, you might be not feel 100% sure you can do it. That’s OK. In fact, that's normal. As long as you believe it is possible, you are on your way! What will you do to make yourself focus on the the possibility of success instead of failure? What’s it going to take to make it seem “doable” to you? When we don’t think it’s possible or think we can’t do it, our inner “gremlin” starts to feed our doubt a steady diet of “what’s the point anyway” or “you’re too lazy to get lean and fit” or “it’s never gonna happen for you, just give up.” Don't give him that power! Turn your back on that gremlin and prove that little beastie wrong. Use your own voice to drown out those negative thoughts. “Oh yeah? Well, just watch me do it.” And off you go! Take Action When doubts start to creep in, taking action is the BEST thing you can do. Nothing shuts that inner critic up faster than you ignoring it and diving in. Taking action not only gets you closer to your goals, it keeps you more firmly rooted in the present, in your body, in a more positive state. Getting out of your head and out of future “what if” scenarios and other negative thoughts is key. The longer you listen to those thoughts, the more they can drag you down. Say “enough!” and go DO something instead. What is one thing you can do for yourself to help your health RIGHT NOW in this moment? - Exercise for 10 minutes?
- Make a healthy lunch for tomorrow?
- Listen to some funky energetic music that feels positive and fun?
- Close your eyes for three minutes and visualize yourself feeling healthy and amazing and fit?
Focus on one thing at a time. You can do this! Don't worry about tomorrow or next week or what if this or what if that. You are extremely powerful in this moment. Every tiny step is a step forward. Play. Keep finding out what works for you. Keep experimenting. Bit by bit, living with confidence and freedom becomes the new norm. You'll love the way you feel and feel the way you love! For more thoughts on confidence, see How Can Self-Confidence Building Change Your Life? Are You Ready? Success Stories Deep Discount Special SPECIAL ENDING SOON
There's only a few spots left! Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Private coaching will never be this low again. EVER. In case you missed the big announcement last week, here's a recap! Are you ready to get fit, confident, sexy, and motivated for GOOD? I’m looking for 5 women who are READY to change their lives starting today and become early success stories. Women who are truly inspired to break the patterns that are holding them back and skip to the good stuff – having more energy and confidence, feeling ALIVE and FREE, sleeping better, feeling sexier, experiencing what it’s like to be proud of yourself and to enjoy your firm strong slimmer body. * Is this the summer you slip into that new swimsuit with confidence? * Is this the year you take that big step toward your dream because you finally believe in yourself? * Is this the time you commit to yourself to take charge of your life and health once and for all? Once those 5 slots are filled, the door is closed. And I won't take just anybody. I'm ONLY looking for women who are really ready to change their body and life. Are you making this THE year when you decide to step into your power and get it done? With this one-time only special, you'll get 6 weeks of my private one-on-one coaching for only $250. (Includes six 30-minute once a week sessions ($750 value) to kickstart off your season with your custom plan and the support you need to create habits that get you what you want.) These are REAL live confidential coaching calls with me completely focused on YOUR unique challenges and goals and you get the worksheets and structure for your personal action plan. We’ll talk every week so you can stay on track and get to the heart of what’s blocking you from losing weight, enjoying exercise, and making powerful changes in your life at a deep level (so you keep the weight off). Are you ready? What would it would take for you to *decide to be ready*? If you think you're a match and are my next success story, email ginette@confident-vision-living.com and tell me why you're ready to make a change. If there's an open slot and you're a good fit, I'll reply back to you. Your life is happening right now. Stop wasting time wondering “what if?” and making excuses. You deserve to feel fit and strong and healthy and beautiful starting TODAY.
Quote of the Month
Yes You Can Can Can!
Do not let what you can't do interfere with what you can do. ~ John Wooden For more motivation quotes see Motivation Quotes.
No-Bake Gluten/Dairy/Egg-Free Blueberry Pie Healthy Recipe
It's 4 pm and you have a potluck to go to in a less than two hours. What the heck are you going to bring? Worse yet, you've been eating really cleanly lately (yay!) and just know that the desserts at the family gathering are going to tempt you beyond belief with fattening, artery-clogging, sugary decadence that will leave you feeling fatigued and disgusted with yourself (or white-knuckling it all the way). What to do? Make a quick and healthy berry pie! This amazingly simple and shockingly healthy blueberry cobbler or pie solves both problems in one go. All you need is a blender or a food processor, nuts, berries, lemon juice, shredded coconut, banana, and dates (the rest you could skip and it will still turn out OK).  Nummy and pretty, yes? They'll never know it's healthy or how quickly you threw it together. And best of all, you'll have a fabulous dessert option for yourself that still feels decadent and special. Don't you love it when a plan comes together? [Insert evil laugh here. Then casually remove blueberry from between your front teeth.]
Have a wonderful week appreciating all of the blessings in your life and heart. Keep your dreams on the front burner and focus on what truly brings you joy, what makes you feel powerful, what makes you feel alive and free. Make it happen! I'm cheering you on all the way.
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