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August 2009

Hi Beautiful!

Hope you're having a wonderful season stretching your wings and expanding your horizons with travel, reading, updating your vision board, moving your body, and/or a zillion other positive activities that enrich, engage, and enthuse you. Summer is definitely my favorite season and a time for connecting with nature, friends, and my body (hello again legs and bare feet).

Check out the fitness, health, dream reaching, and other topics below to see what grabs you. You never know when you'll run across a gem that you can immediately put to use in your life!

All those little tweaks and small changes you make build a healthier lifestyle and keeps you moving more and more into the life and body you dream of. Your dream life truly is yours for the taking!

Gadgets, Goals, and Reality Checks
Motivation Tool
My new summer find? I'm OBSESSED with my little pedometer (I use a $25 Sportline Walking Advantage but any decent one will do). It's cute, easy to use, and makes me very aware of how sedentary I become working on the computer - this tool keeps me honest. If you're as goal-oriented (or let's face it, compulsive) as I can be, it can be a great motivation tool to keep you moving to "make your numbers" of at least 10,000 steps a day. Looking at those low numbers really gives me the oomph to jog in place, take the dog for another walk, or just be-bop in front of the TV instead of sitting there like a lump.

Check out these Motivation Tips for more ideas to get you off your duff and taking action.

Question of the Month
Eye on the Prize
With the 1000s of choices we make every day, from what we eat to how much we move to the thoughts we think, become more aware of staying true to the things that are important to you, like your health, your goals, and how you feel. Make more good healthy choices and you get closer and closer to living that gorgeous dream life of yours. Before you wolf down that second helping of mashed potatoes, skip your time on the treadmill, or chicken out of making that important phone call, ask yourself:

Will choosing this get me closer
to what I want?

If the answer is "no" you know what to do. You have the power, you make the choice. Make the better choice more often and you keep moving forward and feeling more and more confident and fulfilled.

For more ideas, read Making Good Choices and check out the Vision section. And see Thought-Provoking Questions for more ways to cut right to your deepest motivation and the heart of the matter.

Shaking Off What Drags Us Down
Breaking Free
You are NOT lazy. Anyone told you that lately? Probably not, but you need to know that. So you're not lazy, yay! Then why don't you feel like getting off the couch and walking laps around the neighborhood or diving into a new project? There are more possible reasons for that than I can cover here, but the good news is that it's nothing that can't be changed.

Extra body fat weighs us down. It makes us look older, move more slowly, fatigues us, and can even throw us off balance. And heaven knows it makes us FEEL years older.

Close your eyes for a moment and envision yourself free of the extra weight on your frame and imagine what that would feel like. Lighter? Younger? Better range of motion? Freer? Absolutely!

Boosting your metabolism is one of the best ways to burn that extra fat off faster and start feeling more energy. Kiss that blah sluggish feeling goodbye and get back to living instead of merely existing. It's within your power. You deserve to live a healthy energetic life - to do ALL the things you want to do. See Speeding Up Your Metabolism for how to get going!

Yes You Can Can Can!

Confident Living
How many of your thoughts focus on why you can't do this or can't do that? We vastly underestimate what we're capable of and spend most of our time creating mental lists of all the reasons we can't do something. Try this for a change: Create a list of why you CAN do something, why it's a good idea, how wonderful it would be, etc. and post it your wall!

What's the worst case scenario if you don't do it? What's the best case scenario if you do do it? Think about it. Which one has more energy for you?

Ask: What will make me feel proud of myself? Making decisions based on YOUR top priorities builds your confidence and empowers you, as you tap into how powerful you really are (a little scary at first, but in time feels natural and joyful).

See Swapping Out Toxic Thoughts for help shifting from unhelpful negative state to a positive focus.

Get Your Green Smoothie On!
Healthy Recipe
Are you KIDDING me? You haven't tried a green smoothie yet? Well, get onboard already! It's the easiest way to get "the good stuff" into your body without tasting it or having to work for it. Throw it in the blender, whip it up, drink it down. It's that easy.

And it's especially delicious in summer when you can add some ice into it to cool you down - a lovely green slushy. (Plus those greens really do pep you up and cut cravings for junk food. YES. It really works for me.) A cheap healthy meal that takes only a few minutes to make - what more could you ask for?

My favorite green smoothie recipe always hits the spot or you can tweak it to make one YOU love. Bottoms up!

Enjoy the rest of your summer (or winter for you southern hemisphere folks!) by taking great care of yourself and continuing to take those baby steps.

Make it happen! I'm cheering you on all the way.

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You truly are a beautiful light being and I love helping you shine even more brightly. Be the shining star you are!


* Gain Confidence, Get Healthy, Go for Your Dreams! *

Mailing address: P.O. Box 932, Novato CA 94948 USA

Copyright (C) 2009 *Sea Green Network* All rights reserved.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life
you have imagined. — Henry David Thoreau